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          Welcome to Pump & Valve International Trade B2B Marketplace - Global Valve Network
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          Nomal Ways To Fix A Globe Valve

          Globe Valve maintenance is a task that demands time and effort. A regular tune up can make a difference and it can further improve the performance of the equipment.

          There is nothing to deny that proper care and safeguarding your Globe Valve can certainly keep it in an outstanding working condition. Such valve indeed is a piece of investment and it is just essential to know the ways on how to maintain it to secure that it provides a consistent performance; making use of valve selection guides can give details that specify important measures that you need to see in this equipment. More often than not, most of the problems that this equipment acquires would be coming from leakages present in seat, disk, stuffing box, sticking valve stems and loose valve disks. If these problems will not be addressed the earliest time possible, its functions can for sure fluctuate and the possibilities of wasting a substantial amount of air, steam, or fuel will definitely occur during the course of use thus, money is likewise wasted.


          Gaining awareness regarding valves and the methods of its preservation can give you a head start on how you can avoid further problems from happening in the future. Making a habit of checking proper valve operation can initially tell if something is wrong with your equipment; leakages greatly affects the direction flow of pressure in the valve and this should be addressed right away. Deeming that there are a variety of reasons regarding leakages in the Globe Valve, the information below explains some of its causes and remedies that can aid in fixing the difficulties present in your equipment.

          • Problem 1: If the equipment is loaded with scales, dirt, or heavy grease, this can already prevent the disk from being properly positioned.

            Solution: In instances where the obstructing material cannot be blown through, it is best to open the valve and clean it thoroughly.

          • Problem 2: Erosion can potentially cause scraping of the valve seat or disk.

            Solution: Examine if the damage is minimal and if it is, the valve can still be restored and it can go back to its proper working order. Nevertheless, if the damage is substantially massive, the valve should be repaired and re-seated so that it can function again.

          • Problem 3: Fitting the guides way too tight and bending the spindle guide and valve stem can result in disk distortion. If you are making use of a valve disk that is too weak, it can potentially cause damage.

            Solution: If the conditions mentioned above become present in your equipment, it is time to replace the valve.

          • Problem 4: Occurrence of packing gland leakage; this problem can persist if the valve stem is scored o bent.

            Solution: The remedy for this can be done by tightening the gland or by means of repacking it. If repacking the gland would be necessary, it is just essential to know if it is the string type or the ring type; the string packing is commonly used for small valves with low pressure systems and ring packing is utilized mainly for huge valves for high pressure systems. Remember to get the right tools for the replacement to ensure that it will fit the pressure and temperature that it will be exposed.

          Overall, Globe Valve maintenance is a task that demands time and effort. A regular tune up can make a difference and it can further improve the performance of the equipment.


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