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          A Review Of Knife Gate Valve

          Here are some of the types of knife gate valves that are available in the market. It is best to get the proper gate valve for a specific application.

          With the growth of the Internet, a lot of companies can now easily advertise and provide electronic catalogs for any product they produce. With the Internet as well, any consumer can freely provide any review for any item. A knife gate valve has not been left behind with this. A lot of valve manufacturers can successfully post their merchandise on their website, along with catalogs and reviews. It may be quite deceiving though so it is best to go through their entire catalog and if they have customer support, it is best to speak with them as well to receive more information about the valves they produce.

          In line with this, again, there are a lot of companies that produce gate valves and these valves are also produced using different materials like plastic. Here are some of the examples of these valves that are available in the market. It is best to get the proper gate valve for a specific application.

          Plastic knife gate valves


          These kinds of gate valves are generally used only for low pressure applications most commonly for aquaculture like simple irrigation or plumbing and piping for fish tanks and other similar applications. These gate valves can only hold to a maximum of 30 PSI and at least 10 PSI for the larger units as plastic is not as strong as steel. The good thing about these kinds of valves is that they are much more inexpensive than the steel ones so even if one fails or breaks down, it is easy to replace.

          Brass knife gate valves


          A knife gate valve made of brass is basically similar to those made with cast stainless steel. However, these kinds of gate valves can withstand higher pressures, especially if the gate is made of the same material since this metal is harder than stainless steel. This can also be used with similar applications for those made with stainless steel since it can also withstand corrosion and the elements. The maximum pressure a brass gate valve can withstand is around 300 PSI, double than what a stainless steel valve can withstand.

          Stainless steel knife gate valves


          These gate valves are the most common that we can see in the market today since it is known that stainless steel can pretty much withstand corrosion and the harshness of the elements. However, as per regulations, stainless steel gate valves can only withstand 150 PSI to avoid any serious breakages or other accidents that can be caused by broken gate valves.

          There are pretty much a lot of these kinds of gate valves in the market. With the number of choices available, you can view the knife gate valve selection guide to have more information on what knife gate valve to get for your needs.

          Also, searching for proper reviews on the Internet, it is best to read through third party websites like do-it-yourself sites that may provide more insight and reviews about several of these valves and also user experiences with several companies that offer these items. That way, you will be able to know where to go to when it is time to buy the valves you need.


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