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          A Review About Market Of Expansion Valve

          The good thing about electronic expansion valve is that it has a higher refrigerant mass flow rate for just a lower of minimum condensation pressures.

          What is expansion valve? This is a piece of equipment that helps in reducing or increasing the pressure in a system. One of the most common types of the expansion valves is the thermal expansion valve or otherwise called TMV. This type of valve is commonly used in ventilation, heating or air conditioning or HVAC systems. In air conditioning system, there are two types of expansion valves which are the thermostatic valve and the capillary tubes. The other type of expansion valve is the electronic expansion valve. As the name suggest, this is an electrically driven and controlled device which have been mastered through the years and now is widely used and available for the general public.

          As we have learned, the valve industry is a quite big market which carries relatively several types, kind as well as sizes of valves that anyone would probably need. For instance, an expansion valve can either be a thermal expansion valve or an electronic expansion valve (to help you choose right a expansion valve, please refer to expansion valve selection guide article). Therefore, this market is very ripe for any player big or small to dive into. Some reports even predicted that the demand for these values can amount into billions of dollars which makes it one of the most important industries worldwide.


          The thermal expansion valve or TEV is one of the most widespread expansion valves in the market today as such many of the refrigerating machines today are using this valve. However, the thermal expansion valves have a characteristic that limits the versatility as well as the performance of the machines. For instance, this valve requires a minimum pressure drop as between the condensation and evaporation which prevents the possible advantage of low condenser pressure for your air-cooled condenser. Furthermore, it also needs a minimum or controlled amount of super heating in order to avoid the possible heating of the valve itself. As a result some plants are even more sensitive to the negative traits of TEV due to the need of the plants specifics, duty or even the distribution of cooling need throughout the year.

          On the other hand, the electronic expansion valve or otherwise known as EEV has the ability to control refrigeration flow by means of pressure control sensor as well as temperature control which are both an outlet of the evaporator. The good thing about electronic expansion valve is that it has a higher refrigerant mass flow rate for just a lower of minimum condensation pressures. At the same time, it also has a more steady operation because it is electrically manipulated as compared to the other. And most importantly, it has a lower superheating of the refrigerant in the evaporator outlet which is more economical for the users as well.

          Therefore, more and more customers and clients are leaning towards electronic expansion valve or EEV because it is more versatile and can withstand the higher volume of refrigeration need especially by big industrial plants such as those in the manufacturing business and so forth.


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